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Smple Official account icon

Member since 08/2019

Official Smple account
89 Posts
Kevin Zhu Official account icon

Member since 08/2019

1 Posts
Danny Shah Official account icon

Member since 08/2019

Co-Founder @ Smple💯🚀
30 Posts
Isabella Wordsworth

Member since 10/2019

23 Posts

Member since 11/2019

10 Posts
Arron Wildman

Member since 08/2020

22 Posts
Ross Heard

Member since 12/2020

Ross lives, works and writes in Manchester, England. When not losing himself in American literary or fantasy fiction, he writes regular tech and culture articles for SMPLE as well as long and short fiction.
15 Posts
Mahmudul Hasan Sajib

Member since 05/2021

Always ready to capture moments...
61 Posts
The Artful Brat

Member since 09/2021

I guess I'm an artist 🤷‍♀️ I dabble in photography, upcycling/ found object, mixed media, wired jewelry making and anywhere else my heart may take me.
42 Posts
Hannah Cady

Member since 09/2021

8 Posts

Member since 11/2021

5 Posts
Lori Motola

Member since 11/2021

Poet | Nonprofit Founder | Guide 👁 | Mentor ☯️ | Human (probably) | Everybody’s Weird Auntie ✊🌍
39 Posts
Erica D Vines

Member since 12/2021

Hi my name is Erica I'll be posting my poetry and other stuff like photos and videos
3 Posts
Liam Watters

Member since 04/2022

Film Photography and maybe other mediums soon 🤷‍♂️
1 Posts
Vic Lee

Member since 04/2022

my brain spits jargon out in different ways. words. photos. doodles.
5 Posts
Kate Kneen

Member since 10/2022

5 Posts
John Witcher

Member since 11/2022

4 Posts
Roberto Ramirez

Member since 04/2023

0 Posts
Lee J Cander

Member since 10/2023

I am a British Operatic Tenor, Dungeon Master, Strength Athlete, Martial Artist and veteran who loves writing poetry & stories!
2 Posts
Ronald Thomson

Member since 11/2023

Poetry from an addict
3 Posts
Cat Chavez

Member since 11/2023

2 Posts
Harry Chapman

Member since 11/2023

1 Posts

Member since 11/2023

1 Posts
Chloe Morley

Member since 12/2023

A writer from the North West of England. Travels around the world performing and finding inspiration.
2 Posts
James Nunn

Member since 12/2023

Having been born without any prior consultation as to whether I was comfortable with that lifestyle choice, I made it my mission to bring everyone down to my alternately furious and gloomy level. I've dallied with enough arts in my life to be a reasonable painter and a moderately good writer and performer of music: My true talent though, is in my writing. I adore words. I build towering analogies and metaphors for the awesome and the mundane. I weave rhythms and metres to take hearts on journeys along dimly lit roads of the human condition, diverting you into forests where my own experiences seep fog-like into your bones. Poetry is my true love, though I also write passable prose, with a number of concepts always being fleshed out into novels. Bouncing ideas off other creative people is a delight for me, so do feel free to reach out.
1 Posts
Lydie U

Member since 12/2023

Human| Creative| Poet | Author
2 Posts
Sofia Kumbalek

Member since 12/2023

1 Posts
Jenna Godsill

Member since 12/2023

1 Posts
Dariell Maxwell

Member since 12/2023

1 Posts
Diamond Jack

Member since 12/2023

capturing fleeting moments caught in between the doom and gloom of every day life.
2 Posts
Grace Hockett

Member since 12/2023

Hello, I'm Grace! I'm 20 years old. I'm a film production student at Webster University. In my free time, I love to write poetry and meditate.
3 Posts
Emily Freeman

Member since 12/2023

1 Posts