Skipping Stone
Let it be this path between us shares A familiar softness, filled with cares Born out of that skipping stone That we had thrown and the wind had blownIntermittent but unflinching across the lake We're in the air now, say that it is true That's where this distance I feel from you Hails from, falls like icy stares That don't seem burdened by repairs The fixes we need to undertake We'll touch bac...
Birth the stonekisser...
Let live the bold kisser of stones of truth...Love u dearly,sk
Heart of Jade
When someone has a heart of gold, they are generous and compassionate, but green is the color that truly symbolizes those words. Now even though this isn't exactly jade, this glowing painting best portrays the Chinese "stone of heaven" as well as the heart chakra of Indian culture.
The Trick of The Curse
If someone asked you to describe what exactly Nathan Fielder does, what would you say? Social experiments or performance art or — if I was trying really hard to be reductive — expensive prank videos? Is it cinematic? Or is it a new, metamodern flavor of reality television wrapped up in as many layers of irony and self-awareness as pretty much everything else? For as much as his work is applaud...