Whispers - (Short Story Project)

Whispers - (Short Story Project)

In a quiet, remote village nestled deep within the woods, every night, as the moon rises, the villagers claim to hear faint whispers in the wind. Write a short story set in this village, exploring the mystery of these whispers.
🏆 Prizes
Grand Prize: $200
Four Runners-ups: $25

Submissions Closed
Project ended on Dec 07,2023 at 11:59 pm PST
Winners announced on Jan 09,2024
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Project Details

This project is now closed. 

After careful consideration, we have decided that none of the entries align with what we were looking for. So, we're not crowning a winner for this specific project.

Everyone who participated in this project has been refunded their submission fee.  

Thank you for being part of our community!

In a quiet, remote village nestled deep within the woods, a peculiar event begins to unfold. Every night, as the moon rises, the villagers claim to hear faint whispers in the wind. At first, they dismiss it as their imagination playing tricks on them, but the whispers become increasingly distinct and captivating.

Write a short story set in this village, exploring the mystery of these whispers. 

Here are a few thoughts to get you started:

  • Characters: Introduce a diverse cast of characters who reside in the village. What is their connection to the whispers, and how do they react to them?

  • The Whispers: Describe the whispers. Are they in a foreign language, or do they convey cryptic messages? Do they bring comfort or fear to those who hear them?

  • Conflict: Develop a central conflict related to the whispers. Is there a debate within the village about their origin and significance? Are there those who want to embrace them and others who wish to banish them?

  • Resolution: How does the story conclude? Does it unravel the mystery of the whispers, or do they remain an enigma? What impact do the whispers have on the characters and the village as a whole?

  • Setting: Use the village's remote and woodland setting to create a sense of atmosphere and isolation. How does this environment contribute to the story's overall mood?

  • Themes: Consider the themes of curiosity, fear, community, and the unknown as you craft your narrative.

Let your creativity flow and add your unique twist, whether it's a touch of magic, a historical element, or surprising revelations...

Ready? Read the rules first. 

  • The entry fee is $3. 

  • The Grand Prize is $200. 

  • Up to 4 Runner-ups will win $25.

  • We'll feature the winning article on our homepage, newsletter and socials.

  • SMPLE will contact anyone who excites us about future collaboration or paid contributions. 

  • Aim for a short story of around 2,000 to 4,000 words, but feel free to adjust the length as needed to fully develop the narrative.


Please note: We'll only declare a winner if we find merit in at least one submission. In the event that no submission meets our criteria, everyone will receive a refund of their submission fee.


This project is now closed. 

After careful consideration, we have decided that none of the entries align with what we were looking for. So, we're not crowning a winner for this specific project.

Everyone who participated in this project has been refunded their submission fee.  

Thank you for being part of our community!

Grand Prize: $200
Four Runners-ups: $25
Submissions Closed