A Constant Fear of Drowning

A Constant Fear of Drowning

As into your soul I seep
I feel you fill me with a sense of ease
Like a babbling brook on a summers eve
Cool waters lapping over me 
as the sun shines and birds sing in trees and everything is brighter and bolder and more

As time goes on your love grows from a river or  stream  into an ocean 
Tidal waves wash over me in a steady motion as day by day I attempt to explore your depths
Searching for pearls and secrets whilst constantly holding my breath 

Treading water 
I find myself sometimes struggling to hold my head above the surface
Questioning whether it is all really worth it 
But the answer as ever is yes
So I explore ever deeper
And  into your love I dive 
Seeking what makes you live and what makes you thrive
Wishing to fathom the limits of your heart 

Oblivious to the storm on the horizon
As waves boil and rage you crash over me Storm clouds break over a turbulent sea 
I slip underneath  to the void beneath and my world fills with hues of blues and aquamarines
Till you are all I know and all I see and as I fight and kick and  and try not to scream pulled by  the current  unable to breath until in a moment of clarity finally I see that the heart on my sleeve is made of lead 
and I am terrified of drowning

Bus Stop Bard Commuter Muser Amateur Poet / Writer
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