A dive into the spiritual world of "nagas".From unparalled devotion to uncontrollable abuse of narcotics, a sect of people who compare none.Detailed article :
Body: from the perspective of a Quinnely.
I am not embarrassed by my body. It is still my body, only that one wrong hormone had caused it to grow differently. My body is a canvas and clothes and makeup are paint- my gender identity does not confine my expression.My name is Quinnely Rose and I have been on this planet for 16 years. Day to day, I play on the mind strings of gender questioning “what makes a man or a woman?” through makeup...
‘State of Consciousness’
How we individually perceive ourselves comes from a reality that only we can begin to comprehend. Each human perceives life and their existence differently. Meaning every human being lives in the same world but within their own realities. By being in a state of self-consciousness, we can close the gap or merge our thoughts with our physical selves. By placing ourselves in the position of th...