What we create within our fates
Are all that doth remain
We color the hues with our moods
And the victories we abstain 
What you don't win becomes a sin
In the games we play against 
We've a world of preparation 
As a whole in our times sent
Our precious views abscond true
To a place in time alone
A win our savior bought us
Art the wind and bone
To brace ourself in judgement
He prepared our spirit to fly
So we mount up with eagle's wings
To sport the by and by

in Norse mythology, the last battle of the world, in which gods and men will be destroyed by monsters and darkness, 1770, from Old Norse Ragnarök, from ragna, genitive of rögn "gods" + rök "destined end" or rökr "twilight," which is related to reykr "smoke, steam" (see reek (v.)). Compare Gotterdammerung.

1909 in the figurative sense of "complete overthrow" of something; from German Götterdämmerung (18c.), literally "twilight of the gods," from genitive plural of Gott "god" (see god) + Dämmerung "dusk, twilight," from PIE root *teme- "dark" (see temerity). Used by Wagner as the title of the last opera in the Ring cycle. It translates Old Norse ragna rok "the doom or destruction of the gods, the last day, world's end." A better transliteration is Goetterdaemmerung.
WORDS ARE COMMANDS on them we stake our lives
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