Turn Pain Into Your Superpower

Do I actually belong here?
By 16, I had been to 3️⃣ high schools.😬
School 1️⃣ told the story of emotional bullying with extra lessons in exclusion. I felt isolated and afraid.
As for School 2️⃣ the open wounds from school 1️⃣ hadn't even started to heal.
Ever seen a wounded animal? Yeah, that was me. 
Now School 3️⃣ to my utter shock, I actually made some friends. Bonded even, but still, I seemed to be an easy target for a few kids and as soon as I was 16... You guessed it. School BYE 👋
I lost myself or rather found myself in writing. I would write my own stories and act out entire plays. I created my own tv talk show and built an entire world from my mind.
Perhaps it was escapism or maybe I just wanted to belong. 
I was lucky enough to have a loving family and honestly, if this hadn't been the case I dread to think where I would have ended up.
Because I see how this allowed me to explore my inner pain in a safe environment.
Still, outside of the home and my imaginary worlds, I felt lonely. I really just wanted to be part of their world.
Be heard... Be seen.
Don't we all want this? To feel part of something. 
Luckily I found it when I went to study media studies and creative writing.
Today, what once was escapism is how I craft wonderful words for my clients.
I make sure they are seen and heard and help them use their innate gifts to make their own mark in the world and CONNECT.
”Turn pain into your superpower.”
Are you able to craft lasting connections in your business with your content?
I write poems using my natural curiosity and imagination. I can write you a poem for someone special simply by asking a few questions.
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