Wild and Free

Where the mountain meets the ocean
My soul is running wild and free.
Every part of my heart that was broken
Is now healed by the waters of the sea.

I am in the trees and in the their falling leaves.
I am the rain that falls from the sky onto your cheeks.
You feel my presence everywhere, you see me in your dreams.
In every woman you meet, I am the woman you seek.

Don’t try to catch me. My footprints are covered in mud.
My wounds are no longer leaving traces of blood.
Our love story is coming to an end.
I am a stranger to you now. I am no longer your friend.

Take care of your heart, it catches cold easily.
Be honest about your feelings, no need for secrecy.
Promise me that you will find peace in a chaotic flow of life.
The hardships that put you on your knees are meant to make you fly.

You will fly someday, the bird I once adored,
The man whose love I did not get to afford. 
The winds across the world will forever whisper poems dedicated to you.
They’ll heal someone. I hope they’ll heal you too.

The mark you left on my heart turned into horizon.
I learned how to love that mark every time the sun was rising.
Its warmth healed the darkest corners of my soul.
Right there by the ocean I befriended my pain and let go of control.

Right there where the mountain meets the ocean
My soul is now running wild and free.
Every part of my heart that was broken
Is now healed by the waters of the sea.

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