Whispers of Sardonic Shadows

In whispered corners, secrets loom,
Their whispers hum like impending doom.
Within the heart, they quietly jest,
A sarcastic smirk, a cynical quest.

Like clowns in a circus, they parade,
Their allure a joke, a charade.
Their power wanes in the light of day,
A farce we play, a comedy's sway.

In quiet murmur, they mock and tease,
A punchline lost in the breeze.
Their burden light, a cosmic jest,
A joke we tell, with no rest.

The whispered word, a witty quip,
In hidden corners, they let it rip.
They shape our lives with a sardonic twist,
A satire we can't seem to resist.

But oh, the laughter that secrets bring,
A hollow echo, a sarcastic ring.
A jokester's touch, a prankster's glee,
In their embrace, we find no glee.

Yet still we're drawn, like fools we play,
To secrets wrapped in ironic dismay.
For in their grip, we find our jest,
A funny, sarcastic test.

So let them linger in their jest,
Those secrets told in jest.
For in their comedic dance,
We find the humor in our chance.

Who is Sofa King Sad Boi? Most of the Population tbh but the underground knows him all to well. Twisting sound waves and weaving frequencies inevitably lead him to the world of Producing and DJing many forms of electronic music. Coming from a background in metalcore and hip hop, conforming to genre barriers not an option; instead he chooses to let his creativity flow while experimenting with different sounds and different styles. His live production sets are a journey full of emotion, energy and excitement using his sounds performing in Ableton along with tastefully adding vocals, sometimes incorporating up to four deck mashups seamlessly. This catapults his sets into something special and like nothing other. He has shared a stage with the likes of Griz, tech n9ne, Space Jesus, Hippie Sabotage, Juice Wrld, kill the noise, Minnesota, Boogie T, Subtronics, Wiz Khalifa, Machine Gun Kelly, Nghtmre, Cookie Monsta, Gspace, laika Beats, Tvboo and many more. Sharing tours across America with Cryptic Wisdom and TRIPZY Leary and Performing several festivals like Digital Gardens, Breakaway Music Festival, Camp Bisco, Vans Warped Tour, Awakening Festival, and many more. His passion for music is evident. When he's not helping other friends and family build up themselves, he's organizing Charity events and raising thousands of dollars for different organizations in the community. One thing you can be sure of is that Sofa King Sad Boi will always be honest and real having no time for the drama and finding it concerning when any negativity comes his way. You can also count on him putting on one of the best performances you've ever seen with his over 20 years of experience in the business, on stage and no sign of ever stopping with over 4 gig of unreleased originals and counting it is inevitable that he would decorate his part of time while showing the world his art
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