When my Source of Love went Sour

With a fire in my soft bellied seven year old body
I was freely about to overflow. 
A brilliant light, brimming source of love
To myself and to all
All I touched, all I was and all
I could be. Could do. Could see
Full of fullness. I delighted in everything 
I did not need simply because I did not need anything from anyone at all
Oh, how my own soul was enough to sing
Filling the sound of the secluded small world that was mine
That was enough. That was enough

The original source was enamoured with me then
My mother, my world
She could hold me and I could hold her up
I could breathe in the knowing that she loved me more than anything
I could feel it wavering inside like a second heartbeat, sure and steady. 
Her own heart, she released and kept pulsing in my small body when we became separate
as a gift, as a sentencing.
A promise that I must keep her alive by returning this love
So she can keep me fed and full
freely about to overflow-
With an unconditional love that has become trivial with time.
That has become misplaced, misused, misinterpreted-
an undeniable effort, an afterthought
To fit into the shape my body has grown into - a reflection of her own body that she despises, 
of a woman she refuses 
To fit into the space I take up, a mess in her mind and a mess in her home
To adapt to the person grown upon
The stainless girl, existing to please
Existing for peace
That ceases to stand in my place
That she misses more
Than the daughter she sees.

The daughter that must look for love elsewhere
Seeking the spoiled attention from salty, staring men
Before she knew why, before she knew better
The girl that thought admiration from the outside, that endless hungry wanting to be wanted 
Searched for in every gaze, word and touch that came near
 would end in a love she knew and needed more
Pouring out from the inside- like it did before

It did not. It did not.

Whilst the pool of love between my forlorn loving parents was being poisoned
I picked at boys who wrote poetry and plucked guitars
Pretending a song or a sonnet could replace the childhood love that got put away too soon-
with the dusty dolls , discarded, undone
sat with the forgotten soft toys, wilting, worthless 
suffocated when slept with, they lost their stuffing, their safety, their significance-

But It could not. It did not.

At last, someone, a stranger
Who learned to love me in my sickness, 
In my dark, dullness
At seventeen, sunken into a shade of hopelessness
Who showed me love from the inside out again
Despite the hollowness that became my being
In spite of the most important and beautiful parts that were missing
Still, unconditional it was
and comfortable, I became.

Why change when I can take up no space and no sound and be accepted ? 
When I can be loved for being a fraction of who I am and feel whole ?

A new source for a new self
Exceptional for it was unexpected
Not bound by blood or belief
It was above and beyond what I had accepted
this love's sacred sweetness became blurry with its
insistence to silence
To allow myself to be interrupted, to slowly be taken advantage of, to be politely put to one side
And still call myself lucky-
Since that is all that is left. 

Bird with a broken wing. I lost my mother, and I lost myself. I can't be sure which came first.
I can't say where to go from here, from now
I can't find my way toward the lost 
and found
(too full anyhow)
Eyes closed, I remain 
Blindly bumping into brick walls built by reckless boys that ruin my name 
Until I blackout and lose the memory
Of what that name used to mean
When it was first given to me

How the boundless source once felt
Before it was given boundaries.
How the unconditional love once existed
before it was given conditions.
How it felt to be who I once was
Before the source was swallowed up 
by what I have become.

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