how to drown

if i imagine you hard enough maybe this time 
you’ll stick around
so i count to ten
deep breath, eyes closed
and by the grace of god i watch your hands 
waltz across my body
you’re nimble fingered and mischievous
but the glint of playful lust in your eyes doesn’t quite mask the 6ft drop of 
blinding love
and so we inhale each other
locked lips
we fuck and we are whole people
and by the grace of god i touch you and watch myself 
melt like wax into your very existence
but life continued its heavy force
and distance brought another goodbye
one full of soapy tears to wash the words
i love you
from both of our lips
call it a transparent tsunami of emotion 
but if i imagine you hard enough 
the storm will calm
and so i continue to conjure you up
my brain keeps quiet then
sullen waves
if i imagine you hard enough then i think i’m okay
i suppose i’m drowning but i suppose i’m okay.
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