Second Chance Friendship

I welcome you back into my life with open arms, we’ve been through too much not to give us a second chance. I know our friendship won’t be the same, I mean look at us, we’ve aged. We are no longer the giggly kids that run through the playground, creating a girl band and singing out of tune. You won’t laugh at me for eating too much green apple during the snack break of school (and for then throwing it up all over the floor). You won’t bury me in Devon’s sandy shores anymore, but we will laugh over these hazy memories, all these times when we were carefree, all the times before we grew apart. I’m not sure what even happened but I know growing up my heart, it hurt; but now as an adult, I also know that it’s not the end of the world. There is no use in dwelling on the past, time heals any scars. I still want you in my life and so I give our friendship a second chance. 
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