A Fleeting Moment

I love how your metros at sunrise were riddled with nocturnal animals and early risers, beer bottles next to briefcases. The happily exhausted doused in glitter contrasted by the dark sea of suits. 

I love how your streets at sunset were entwined with all kinds of friendly faces making perfect strangers seem almost familiar. Still today I feel nostalgia for people I never even knew. 

I love the way music would never cease to follow, like a mixtape you made specially for me. Spewing from street performers on stilts, boomboxes on bikes and second-hand markets where I would collect pieces of you through old books and worn jackets. 

I love the parades of colour that would consume the city, every day you found reason to celebrate. How roads would turn into dancefloors and windows into platforms with people singing and laughing from all directions. 

I love how I could find art in the most unexpected places, like a private gallery left for my own discovery. Walls coated in political messages, love letters and beautiful memories that you promised to hold forever.

I love your constant contradictions; a disco in a phone box, a pool on a river or karaoke in the park, you are unlike any city I have ever come to know. You are a kaleidoscope of things all wrapped into one, that you could make any soul feel at home; and for a fleeting moment Berlin, I was. 

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