First move

I've worn glasses for most of my life
 And for a few years when i went in for a check up my prescription would always change 
 Either because my vision was improving or because it wasn't
 And it was usually the latter 
 And for those who also wear glasses you know how it feels to get new prescription
 Blurry vision
 Kinda woozy 
 But after a few days
 You got used to your new prescription and could finally enjoy the feeling of seeing again 
 Getting new glasses was kinda like the first time I had to make a big move
 Before I moved a city away from home 
 I felt as if I was living life blindly 
 And when I try to remember those day's they only come blurry 
 I lived life carelessly 
 Did as pleased without thinking 
 And my mind barely ever made play when it came to decision making
 But then I moved
 And the blind folds were removed 
 And everything became crystal clear after a few days
 At first it was a little hard get used to
 Blurry faces and names 
 Headaches but for different reasons 
 Kinda overwhelming 
 But the difference between this and glasses is that the glasses were meant to help
 And after a while I'd wouldn't even notice that they were on my face
 But this
 It crept around me like a stalker
 Even though I couldnt see it
 I always felt it around me
 It only presented itself around people
 It was a new feeling
 Overwhelming at times
 And sometimes even when it was there I felt nothing
 At first it only came in forms of voices
 The headaches came from obsessively over thinking 
 Then it also came in forms of bouncy feet
 Shakey hands
 Shallow breaths
 And so much more
 Like lonely feelings 
 A hollow chest
 And thoughts that I couldnt keep away
 It was consistent 
 Would repeat its self until it got a reaction 
 It was like my own personally bully that no one else could see
 But when I looked in the mirror it was always just me 
 It made me cry in bathroom stalls
 Push friends away for no reason
 Have a sudden mood change 
 Once I'm smiling then I was crying
 I was so confused 
 Lost for so long
 Forced my self to look for what I had before the move
 Some days it got so bad that I wanted to put back on the blind folds and reverse history
 Live back in my childhood memories and on those days
 I simply removed my glasses 
 As the years went by
 Like new glasses
 After a while I got used to the new feelings and forgot about everything before then
 The long search that I went through in order to get back my past was over
 But nothing was found 
 As time went by I slowly began to forget what exactly I was looking for
 At first I thought it was the innocence that the world had taken away from  me
 Then I thought it was maybe my long lost happiness 
 Then I got tired of searching 
 Got tired of hoping that things would be like it was back home 
 Tired of hoping
 Then I got tried of caring
 Then it was living 
 If I had known 
 That blurry vision was better seeing
 Then I would've cherished the times that I lived life blindly  
 Once I removed the blind folds
 The world had nothing to hide from me anymore
 It didnt care about the innocence they were stealing 
 Or the happiness I was loosing 
 The monster that disguised themselves as childhood innocents 
 Would finally reveal there true intentions 

Here to share my work and to support other artist and creators 😊
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