Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta

Southbound Red Line:
I had captured this moment while waiting for my train to take me to Five Points Station. If you've been in Atlanta for a long time you've probably heard MARTA stands for Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta. I don't know about rapidly but they try their best.

Westbound Green Line:
The homies Chi Chi(Right) and Kale(Center). We had just got done street skating in the city and were headed home. We had to take two trains and bus to get back to the crib.  The weather was brick that day, hence the masks. 

Eastbound Blue Line:
Chi Chi backside noseslide on the MARTA ledges. This is an infamous spot that's been seen in countless skateboarding videos. It's common to see local skaters and sometimes even pros warm up on this spot or try to leave their mark.  The earliest record of this spot(to my knowledge) is James Colemans'  Nollie Backside Tailslide, Nollie Flip Back Tail to Fakie line in his video part for Westside Skateshop almost 20 years ago.

The buildings surrounding Peachtree MARTA Station. I was out street skating and saw this sign out in the distance and felt compelled to capture it.

Northbound Gold Line:
Local ATL fashion designers, Sammy Darko(Left) and No Cata(Right) on a warm March night outside of the LucidFC ATL shop before Lucids spring line fashion show. Sammys' hat was hand crafted by herself. It's talented designers like these two that have gotten the streetwear scene to where it is today . 

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