Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

As my mind reaches new depths 
My pain soars to unknown heights 
Time is no aid
No bandage can soak the blood

My chains weigh me down as I try to grow
As the casing drops so does my faith
Bluer than the deepest ocean
From red heart to grey stone

On top of the hill wind whispers in my face
As if He is blowing straight from His mouth
Looking beyond the horizon
Head filled with dementing, doubtful, deceiving dreams
Almost like the prettiest stream with poisonous water

Alone, no pack can bring me company
I ponder on past choices of being prudent
My two cents have lost their value
But you cannot put a price on soul

Judgement, isolation and regret have swallowed me whole
Bleakness has taken over potential 
Looking for relief but the light can only be so bright
My stepping stone leads to my grave
“In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway, there is no death”
Isaac Tripodi 

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