

Time to move forward

I got to move forward

No time to change the past

Looking back is the thing in the past

Chapter ending

No open wounds

Closed tight with a thousand stitches

Scar is healing

Vanquished from my soul

Endeavor to stay

Never be the same 


That’s where I’m going

My head facing the horizon

A vision to the future 

I see the bright, yellow sun rising above the heavenly blue sky

The light from the sun shines from the high echo mountains, pushing the dark shadows to make a clear arrival 

It’s my time to shine! 

Here I run faster 

Heading forward

to the sun, to the skies and to the mountains I go

waiting for me to start a new journey

I cried a thousand tears looking back in the past 

Wondering how I made it last 

Now I face the truths and realities

Laugh off from the bad memories

Shake off the fear that deepens my skin 

Grin even if the day is unpleasant

I will move forward

Befriend with loyal individuals

Walking with pride and dignity

Meet someone new 

Fall in love with each other

Live together in our happy ending

Produce our population 

Together in our own kingdom

Replace individual “I” to an assembly of “we” 

We are moving forward together


A Decision Made

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