Walk home

You’ve cheer-zed to the girls, rambled on, thinking about your summer holidays that dawn. With chat still streaming as you say your goodbyes, you all can’t wait for the summer skies. Text me when you get home were the last words she said, you’ve got your keys and your phone and now you’ve fled 

You’ve got girls aloud on, but only one ear in, just so you can hear what’s behind you, is that a sin? Pompeii in July, girls on tour, these shoes will defo hack the ruins, sure! Crossing the street to the lamppost horizon, you are not far away, I think tomorrow I’ll have a lie in. God it’s cold, I should have got a taxi, but at £23.45 I’ll just walk fastly 

There’s a dark shadow in the corner of my eye, I’ll just call my mum to pass by. Walking even quicker and another crossing of the road. Thank god there are girls up ahead, they will know the code 

The code. What even is this now? The fact we all live in fear just walking home, how?  It can be at 3 am heels in hand or nothing grande your 7pm jammies to the shop, when will this all stop? 
I want to wonder in my head about the toast I’ll have when I get in, not that I’m currently jumping out of my skin, planning my route, thinking about the light, keys in my hand ready to take flight. The constant check around your shoulder, it’s not even getting easier as I get older, the heartbeat in your throat, not taking that route because it’s pretty, but remote.  The stopping, pretending, letting people pass, and am I heck walking through that grass.

I am Sarah. You are Sarah. We all are. 
97% I hear you say, but I’m not even surprised. 
I have a story, you have a story, the lady at the corner shop has a story. I just want to see people live and thrive in all their glory. My friends have been texting me, planning our routes, making sure none of us walk alone because this is what suits. I shouldn’t have to think I should get an Uber, just Incase I run into the wrong suitor. I want to have my tunes in, to feel safe to breathe and roam, but most of all I just want to be able to walk home. 
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