Learning To Self LOVE

Photographer -  COJO.S / Well Kept
Model - Al Clarke
Lighting - Georgie Hall / Endless Studio
Location - Map Charity, Leeds, Uk

Words from Al ...
Growing up in Barnsley and being one of the very very few black kids in my school I got a lot of negativity towards how I look. Also I never really had anyone other than my direct family members say anything nice about how I had my hair, how I dressed, or how my light/dark my skin was. This killed my confidence and made me a shy kid. Only now in the last year or 2 have I began to look at myself and think positively about how I look. Having my picture taken is really helping my self confidence. Its helping me to realise I should be proud of who I am and proud of what makes me, me.

Working with COJO has helped me more than she'll every know! I feel so lucky to not only have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing photographer but to call her my friend. She has a massive range of work and past projects, which ranges from dark sexy studio shoots to light bright product shots. She's one of the most honest, nicest and positive people I know...
She really is an AMAZING human. So, Thanks COJO!

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