Dani , A New Me


 In the beginning of the 2019 film by Ari Aster we have Dani breathing , sighing heavily as she is worried about her sister . The audience finds out quickly that this is not the first time Dani’s sister has had those kind of episodes due to her bipolar disorder , but this time the email she sent felt ‘different’. She is co-dependent on her boyfriend and that represents one of her insecurities . In the close up of her face we can see the difficulty she faces as she is trying to hold back tears as she does not want him to think she is being dramatic , her facial expressions showing no self-esteem as she feels Christian is tired of hearing about her family issues. Additionally in the opening scene we can notice how terrified Dani is of losing her boyfriend which of course that changes completely at the end of the film.

 When Pelle shows her pictures from the Hargas festival in Sweden , Dani feels nothing but intrigued , finding the costumes and symbols ‘interesting’ , this offering a glimpse of what awaits for her . In the moment she sees the May Queen for the very first time the audience is able to see the spark in her eyes as she is impressed by the flowers and the beauty of  the elements of her clothing . Pelle also portrays the only person feeling glad that she is coming on the trip , through the use of close up shots it is visible light can be found into Dani’s eyes as she feels welcomed for a change . The journey to Sweden the captivating camera movement , consisting of  long shots of the road while the camera is upside down as well as the haunting background music all represents elements of new beginnings for Dani .  

 When they first arrive in Hargas , Pelle’s friend offers them mushrooms . Dani starts tripping and for the first time she lets go of everything looking around , appreciating nature, the breeze on her face , feeling one with the earth . She notices the grass growing from her hand does not question it or panic , she accepts the new perspective of  the world . This of course changes when she hears Mark’s voice , Mark portraying a character to whom Dani feels inferior and lets him intimidate her . When hearing the sound of his voice the feeling of paranoia she starts to feel and feels overwhelmed as the beginning of processing and reflecting on her past starts. As we see everyone walk in for the first time into the village we can see Dani smiling , feeling joyous as she sees this as an opportunity to start her new life . From the beginning she shows a sense of extreme curiosity , constantly asking Pelle questions about the festival . Pelle is excited to answer which of course that is something new for her as she has always felt the need to shrink herself around Mark and his friends , this being noticed by Pelle too ,‘’Do you feel held by him ? Does he feel like home to you ? ‘’(Midsommar , 2019).

One of the most important scene when it comes to Dani’s change is illustrated by  the Harga’s tradition where people at 72 years old kill themselves  in order to offer their spirit to a new-born . Witnessing the man and woman jumping of a cliff although at first shocked , the audience can see that is the beginning of her accepting the death of her parents and sister . The woman explains that the people in this village give their life as a ‘’gesture’’ . as dying of old age in pain ‘’corrupts the spirit ‘’ . This opens Dani’s wound once again as she applies that to her parents and although crying loudly , that portrays her letting go of her past and pain . 

Although at first as each day passed , Dani had more questions about everything and no answers and although witnessing losses of people to death constantly, in the end she accepts this is the place she has felt like home all along . This film displays the journey of Dani and we as the audience follow her as she is finding a home , a family . The ending scene being her crying which is how we see her at the beginning . At the beginning of course there is some sense of desperation and fear of being alone , while at the end her crying depicts the leaving behind of her old life and becoming a new Dani . 


‘’it is all just theatre … ‘’ (Midsommar 2019 ) 

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