For The Love Of Music

It's easy to listen to one good song and be intrigued with that genre. For this generation is rap. Everyone had a preference and that's okay, but when you make music with no foundation, you're bound to crumble. Too many people today are ignorant to the fact that there was music before them, long before them. If you're going to make the music you want, which is what the music industry is all about, it's helpful to do research. Listen to the pioneers who built this industry and who laid out the land that we use to this day and will continue to use. A lot like our earth, we're not taking care of the music industry. Too many people are throwing their trash out there and not acknowledging the repercussions. Not to say that every song coming out is horrible because there are those who are passionate workers and dig into their soul to compose a sound that can be enjoyed by many, but there are big changes to be made in the future. The history of music is extensive, so it's possible that if we came around to listening rather than telling, it could change our life's.  
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