The Song of Selenite, Chapter One: Dusk

Before everything, before life, before death, before time itself, there was nothing. A tumultuous void existed where the universe did not. Suddenly, there was a bright flash, and a deafening sound, and a being was born. Unbound by space and time (as they didn’t exist yet) this being had no true form. They existed as all beings, at any moment, all at once. This being looked upon the endless landscape of nothingness and smiled. They found the void calming, because of the possibilities it held. The being held out their hands and thought of what they would create. And it was so. Infinite power bursted from their fingertips, weaving together like yarn. When their power subsided, the being looked at their newly painted canvas, and was content.


    Carly slowly opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. It was the start of another day. She took her black framed glasses off of her nightstand and put them on before standing up and stretching her arms. Carly turned towards the mirror and began fixing her long orange hair. She doesn’t really stand out as a person, average in height, weight, body type. Her hazel eyes and fair-skinned complexion made her fit in with everyone else in her family. She finished with her hair, tying it into a high bun, and began getting ready for the day. If her features didn’t make her stand out, her clothes would. Unlike other women of her age, Carly dressed in white button-up shirts and black pants, as this is what made her feel comfortable. Twenty-six year old Carly Post worked as a research assistant to her older brother, Doctor Ceren Post. Ceren was a lot like his sister, intelligent and modest, and besides his flaming ginger hair, that’s where the similarities ended. Where Carly took after her father, Ceren looked very much like his mother. He was tall, skinny, and had dark blue eyes. Ceren worked as a Thanatologist, studying changes to the human body after death, both spiritual and physical. 

    Carly walked into the main area of her one bedroom apartment and began her daily routine. Breakfast, cleaning, exercise, and dishes. The routine made her feel comfortable, day in and day out, she performed the same tasks, maintaining a pleasurable monotony. She finished her chores, grabbed her phone and laptop bag, and stepped out into the hall, locking the apartment door behind her. Looking up and down the hall brought the same sight, every day. Neighbors leaving for work and checking their mail. Half asleep children with backpacks slung on their shoulders being corralled into elevators and down staircases. She sighed in content and turned down the hall towards the elevator. Walking down the corridor, Carly waved small hellos at the neighbors.

 A small bug flew by Carly’s face, catching her attention, causing her to crash into another person. Carly fell onto her backside and shook her head a bit. She fixed her glasses and looked up at the person she hit. They were a woman, about Carly’s age, with black hair and green eyes. She crouched down and offered a hand to the disoriented Carly and spoke. “Hey, are you alright? Sorry about that.” Carly took the woman’s hand and stood up. “No, I’m sorry. And I’m fine, thank you for asking.” Carly answered. She spoke very concisely with a monotone voice, while the woman spoke softly, and with more emotion. Carly took a quick look at the woman as a whole, noting her colorful clothing. The woman wore a muted yellow tank top and her denim jeans had grass stains on the knees and torn hems around the ankles. Carly spoke again. “I’ve never seen you here before. Are you new?” The woman smiled and gestured to the wheeled suitcase behind her. “Yeah, I am actually. My name’s Violet, I’m moving into 3F. It’s nice to meet you..” Violet trailed off, expecting an answer. “Carly.” She answered. “It’s very nice to meet you too, Violet. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to work.” Carly waves a polite goodbye while walking around Violet and towards the elevator. She steps in and presses the button for the lobby, and as the elevator doors close, Carly stares at her new neighbor.
Posted by Caden Landers
16 year old aspiring writer. I like dramatic stories and great dialogue, and have a few ideas in the works right now!