Quick Brown Fox

Pain lurks in the back of your gums.
A wisdom tooth is growing. Transition - troubling thoughts
Of coming to. A room of sullen faces foreheads wrinkled
Cotton clinging to your loose lips. The tribunal enters
Stage right: blood dribbles down your pockmarked chin
Eyes roll. Exit? Blocked and strength is failing.
Crash! Your chance, you stagger down the stairwell
Hobbling with your IV stand of a cane
Roaring wind assaults you on the pavement
Hail a taxi waving with your good hand.
A flurry sweeps, restless in the winter:
Anxiety-soaked fragments scattered by
Halving problems to the higher powers.
Heel, you boastful bloodhound. I command it!
My satin lining breached by searching fingers
Clawing for a pulpy jagged core.
Plum seeds buried in a bird's nest
Of wrinkled receipts. Flesh dry, ink fading.
The gaping seam now closely excavated,
I watch the work begin with bated breath.
Gnawing at the mummified remains
All bite no bark it's honest work I fear.
Tongue torn red with gnashing desperate mouthfuls,
My eyes ablaze, seized by the vicious maw.
Kneeling pious as a pilgrim arms raised
To the heavens - I ought to change the wind.
I want to hold your face the way it is.
At night, I hear them rattle in your chest.
Our stomachs rise and fall in counterpoint
A superglued prophetic diorama
Suspended in the goo that keeps the spine straight.