Shot by: Kansas Chaney ; instagram @kansas_chaney
If you swipe you will see a tree in Montevallo, Alabama that has had the weight of the kings and queens I shared the same blood with hung from its limbs. The blood dripped from their bodies into the ground and into the trees roots. Making this tree my blood cousin. He’s really old. So we spent some time with him. Showed him how we do things here in 2019. I didn’t tell him that our Kings and Queens still get hung from his brothers and sisters to this day, I wanted to make this a positive visit. He’s had enough. I thought a beautiful woman being photographed in front of him would be a joyful sight. So we did our thing. And waved goodbye.
If you swipe you will see a tree in Montevallo, Alabama that has had the weight of the kings and queens I shared the same blood with hung from its limbs. The blood dripped from their bodies into the ground and into the trees roots. Making this tree my blood cousin. He’s really old. So we spent some time with him. Showed him how we do things here in 2019. I didn’t tell him that our Kings and Queens still get hung from his brothers and sisters to this day, I wanted to make this a positive visit. He’s had enough. I thought a beautiful woman being photographed in front of him would be a joyful sight. So we did our thing. And waved goodbye.