Pearls on the Ceiling

We met with pearls on the ceiling
Stop signs and Kodak calls
You were beautiful 
I remember 
Shimmering in the sun like
Dew drops 
We held hands 
As if we had a chance
Flowers and leaves 
Rustled in the wind 
I videotaped you like the 
Superstar you are
With each stroke of the pen
I wrote about the lust 
We loved

We listened to ABBA until
The needle hit its limit
We drank vermouth and smoked menthols
Whilst our minds wandered
And we cuddled up to the imaginary fire
That was burning in our hearts

But you had to go
Catch a flight with the rest of the 
Mourning doves
Leaving me with thoughts alone
Leaving me with pearls on the ceiling 

And will you return to the epilogue
That I dream each and every night
A voice so smooth 
Honey and milk

But as the cigarette smoke dissipates 
So does the memory of you and 
At the end of the day
I wear those pearls of white 
Gasping for air
Wishing for your return
Despite what you promised and said 
Melancholia drips and drips and drips 
Until the glass is half full
And I sign off
All quirks left behind
Except the sand in the oyster’s mouth
Choking choking 
Trans Filmmaker, Poet, and Musician
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