Take Me Down Into The Ocean

Take me down into the ocean. 
Bury me beneath the waves. 
Tide, take me where I might sleep
Among the pirate graves. 

I cannot bear the cries of mourning,
All that moaning from the pain. 
I cannot bear such endless marching
Through the rubble and the rain. 

Take me down into the ocean. 
Bury me beneath the waves. 
Tide, take me where I can sleep
Among the pirate graves.

Seaweed brushes stubbled cheek
Salty tears and foaming brine
A bed of silt surrounds my heap. 
I’ll wait there till the end of time. 

So take me down into the ocean. 
Bury me beneath the waves. 
Tide, take me where I can sleep
Among the pirate graves.
J. Alan Hostetter writes poetry, lyrics, novels, memoirs and screenplays while working in the film industry doing lighting and camera work. He has written the book for a musical ‘R Gettysburg about the townspeople during the Battle. His album “The Quarantine Demos” by Al & Case is free on bandcamp.com.
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