Fire Exit

Do not whisper near them, sweet children, for war is loud.

Men who served with General Anzio

Find time for the occasional Bingo

And find that corn on the cob can be quite the challenge.

I am sitting here among these men with steel

Feeling like I haven't defended a bloody thing

And discussing the weather like it really matters,

And avoiding direct eye to wound contact

As if he weren't aware that something was missing.

I steady my plate of civvy rations, chicken and barbecue,

Presented by the galley wives and

Blessed by a man dusted off from Iwo Jima.

I am a fake and a fraud and a phony tonight

Surrounded by real men, with real stories

About fish fries and city council requests,

Moving crab-like towards the banana pudding

Tonight I shook the hands

Of the luckiest men

On the face of the planet,

And felt like something inside

Was going to fall apart any minute now.

Do not stare directly into the flare, dear children,
for War is patient-

It invites us all
to meetings.

I was born in Akron, Ohio in 1964, but now live in the Deep South. I currently work as a product reviewer.
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