How are We?

How can I love and hate at the same time?
Why are feelings like these too often intertwined?
Brain and heart, mind and emotion, two separate entities but none speak loud enough to guide,
Through the vastness of the deepest ocean...
I adore and despise,
I fall and then I rise,
And fall right back again,

Like waves roaring, warning
Plunging a waiver to remind you drowning is always a possibility but,
Thinking you shouldn't worry, its only a small probability,

These waves, 
Retracting and returning,
Till they are back again,
Invading the empty cavities in your solid head,
Repeating unforgivingly to no end,

Lungs burning with icy water thriving more than filled with bland oxygen,
You only wish not hope to feel scratchy sandy beaches in your hair,
Because hope is born from despair,
And even though you should, you choose not to leave, 
Since washing up on shore gives unease instead of uncertainty from hoping once more,

I make a toast to a place I don't know but is oh so familiar,
I simply can't be from here,

Feeding from the nurture of,
The powerful one, mind, who righteously commands,
Roots grounded in your chest invisible from above,

It fills me with rage,
It fills me with grace,
I don't have the words to say,
That itself is ironic, but when it stands with others it is symphonic, 
Melodies of feelings melt into words to fester and to boil,

We finally grow to sprout again from that very soil.