The word that means a kind of love,
a genuine love felt from your heart.
Strangers can see it in your eyes,
they can feel it in your embrace.
“Hinine” she says, with a bright smile,
patting my head like I’m a child -
I never mind though, it soothes me,
breaking the discomfort, I feel
when greeting them, those aunties,
who pinch my cheeks and arms – laughing:
“When are you getting married dear?
A pretty girl like you should be
married, starting a family!”
Rolling my eyes, I feel ashamed,
(I know that it’s different for me)
“So western, so English, and ‘white’”
but then, she turns to my mother,
big approving smile of pride,
stretching across her wrinkled face,
“Your daughter” she says “she is Hinine”