The painting takes the form of a Phoenix, constructed by the build up of using different media. The Phoenix sets to embody the accumulation of skills during Art at school. A Phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. The final constructed form that this mythical creature takes, conveys the build up of technical skills that we are taught at school, by layering media and scaffolding a final outcome. It represents students increasing their proficiency in the handling of different materials and emphasises the way that in our subject, we teach how to analyse and evaluate, not only our own work, but also that of others.

Posted by MoNDi
Born and raised in London, Mondi is a Persian British Artist and Master of Art as well as a qualified Teacher. She specialises in her own unique style of fantasy meets reality Art and works primarily from her mind, creating fantastical creatures which all tell their own fragments of MoNDi’s story. Her work features pin up girls, elves, angels and the Phoenix. She also works with Persian text and designs her own calligraphy. Mondi works mainly on paper and canvas, recycled materials; such as wood and glass and also paints indoor and outdoor murals.
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