A Plea For Reincarnation

Cry mercy of a wretched thing 
Time-tailored, sewed beneath my skin 
Plead fallacy: that old defence 
Wanting, needing ignorance
Renewed and reborn 

Youthful squander is a blessing 
Wasted on the young but still 
It bares no thought, no second guessing 
Put me back there now I've learned my lesson
I'll shine like no other. 

I'll not look or hear again 
That evil trauma I had craved 
Replace my spoiled pallet cleaned 
Return to me the pride of dreams 
A future left unburned, unburdened 

By uncertain chains encompassed 
Blindfolded walking, you call that justice? 
Hardly my fault, my countless falters 
Wasted prayers at tattered altars 
I'd not cast them again 

Memory sold as if a boon 
Unrelenting as the turning moon 
Wipe mine glassy, I want it hollow 
I'd not recall the past I've borrowed 
Give back to me a canvas 

Just one more turn, I'll push myself 
Past the present merry-go-round
Feeling naught but dirt, soil, ground 
Where I ought have grown a garden 
Colourless and easy 

Just give me one more second chance. 

I'll do better. 

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