Chapstick and flowers

Today i went to the store to by my lover flowers
And me, chapstick 
I planned this all out particularly just so i could kiss my lover with soft soul filled lips
The cashier doesn't know my plan
he scans the flowers and scans the chapstick 
He probably would think im such a romantic if he knew.

Walking back a flock of at least 15 birds flew over head…

Some days i think of when i didnt put chapstick to my lips
I kissed my lover with cracked, dry, soulless kisses
From then to now i walk on different roads 
I see different birds
Then i used to before
Im different from who i used to be
I live in a new reality with more color for the world to spare…
All of this soars down to the ground into my head
Twirling in circles around and around
The memories make me lose my breath
I long to be who i was before
But i made mistakes painting colors on the wrong doors

Later to the winters night
The moon shines through my window and i don't think its the city street lights
My lover comes to get me 
Late at night
I give him the flowers and he kisses me
My lips arent chapped

Im different
Im a better person then chosen chapped lips
Crisp from cold swollen snow flakes
Because i have grown

I gave my lover his flowers
And he gave me a kiss
He doesn't know i made sure my lips were perfect just for him to give him his flowers
Nor does the cashier know any of this
But i really liked his sweater. 

-valentine rose
Posted by Maeken