
Blowing cool across my jaw, 
Infiltrating the heavy-handed humidity,
Clouds and waves of words birth from white tufts of vibration,
Bouncing between the tall, overgrown grass growing unfettered and free.
Ribbons of butterscotch and daffodil set the scene and suspend the 
Songs of cicadas that spit forth words like evolutionary edicts.
They declare that we are bound and sworn by familial bonds, 
That their plotted points correspond
To the geometric sequencing of my unique matrix;
My mission and existence, trussed with their resonance, is guaranteed success by the power of our oneness.
“Speak”, they say, “Sing. You are the story.”
Recite revolutionary rhymes of the times you wandered and played and stayed in the moment;
When you were the king of all things and the simultaneous simple servant
Fervently releasing your burdens into the deceptively ordered creative clutch of our transmutational embrace.
Penetrate the places disremembered in the embers of pretense and surrendered to the seductress named Separation.
Draw out deception, incite insurrection, illuminate pathways in ancient directions.
Solder sprinklings and inklings of sorcerous elements on 
Indigenous, meticulous, brazen intelligence
So that reintegration may be catalyzed and sovereignty derived from obscurity.
Deposit sounds in hard grounds of the antiquated trails of minds and times and insidious veils of illusion.
Watch confusion dissolve and fall under the spell of the electromagnetic embrace and soft force of the source of all being.
Observe regulated recall repent, show deference, transform and evolve into seeds of remembrance, 
Squashing outdated sequences of subjugation and shame and sorrow 
Like immersive, hypnotic, neurological vines reaching out, 
Revealing sprouts and intricate fractals of chartreuse and lime
Like chlorophyl snowflakes native to summertime.
Apply sweet verses and lyrical charms.
Take up arms, sound alarms, dissolve the illusion of tyrannical harm.
Invoke ancestral rights to speak to life miracles shrouded in the shadows of the human psyche and dormant codons.
Project the contents of your mind’s eye.
Reveal the cyclical nature of time through verbal vignettes and transcribed pantomimes
Of siblings tickling the petals of Primrose, 
Engaging nature in intricate tangos, 
Carrying pollen to-and-fro,
Before resting in salty beads on the skin of our kin.
Spill forth plays of undomesticated dancers merging with music, moving and musing,
Transcendently lucid, 
Conducting change and birth through Hertz like a weightless assembly line of undeniably intertwined sentience,
As you rejuvenate beneath the sprawling shade of the earliest settlers of your homeland.

Hold out your hand,
Feel the earth breathe,
While the breeze bleeds into the chirps of birds as they herd
Luminescent particles undeterred by misunderstanding.
You are standing
In everything.
Posted by Lori Motola
Poet | Nonprofit Founder | Guide 👁 | Mentor ☯️ | Human (probably) | Everybody’s Weird Auntie ✊🌍