Adult Diagnosis.

It's been a pretty tough coupe of weeks. 
Iv'e been looking at myself through everyone elses eyes
But also through my own new lenses. 
It's exhausting me, I'm drinking more and sleeping less.

Theres been a lot of humilaiation.
Theres been a fuck load of questions
Theres been uncertainty
And theres been a few hard fought tears. 

But what if its a good thing?

I've been worrying that it will mean an entire reset.
I've been worried that people will...
I've been worrying I won't ever be able to reconnect with old friends
I'm worried that everything that went before is gone or been called out as a liar

But what if its a good thing?

What if I get to completely wipe the slate?
What if I get to just be who I am?
What if all the years of pretending collapses around me?
What if I can be comfiortbale as being an overly sensetive, shy guy who plays music? 

What if it's a good thing?

What if this is the moment of culmination and release?
What if this is where I drop the weights off?
What if, What if?
What if? 
Writer, poet, musician & producer. First published in 2016, I write minimalist, metrical prose taking an improvised approach to creativity. My writing focuses on the lived experience, reflections of life, love, romance and heartbreak. But also explores my extensive passion for music, often in more journalistic forms. I'm always eager to explore collaborations and collaborative projects and to share and meet creatives on a similar trajectory. Please say hi!