Walking into memories

White walls and village tranquility. As I walked down this quaint little cobbled street in Spain I realised how lucky I am to lead the life I do. I was with my mum, who is a truly incredible woman, and she helped me to reflect, this is what she told me that day, and it’s something we should all learn to listen to.
‘Everyone has problems and things that will hinder them, darling, remember this year nanny fell sick with cancer, yes she survived but it was tough for everyone, and she got through it, and we got through it too. But look where we have come, we all need to reflect on the good times within the bad’
and this photo resembles the tranquility and gratefulness that i feel, and I will continue to feel, hopefully sharing it with others, because even if you might not see it you are lucky and you lead a wonderful life, so sit back for a minute, maybe with a tea or coffee or a friend, and reflect and take a walk through your memories because they are what make you, and you must appreciate that.