if you must know

mouth winking gaping night sky in broad daylight smiling remembering orange like fingers crossed a hug a mile a minute longer calling
a language i don’t know the words to spilling like the laugh i found mid sentence im afraid all my favorite words are the ones only your spirit knows
while everyone else frames you for mispronunciation told me i didn’t know a damn thing about musicianship your face scrunched up nicotine billowing like the note i wear as a life vest hands searching for the stillness mmmm how is it you ask
at the start of forming an opinion feel the rain
from a distance waist down existence both arms raised laughing can’t tell when i love you but the crows note the difference and do people look funny when they stare at nobody’s business
weather / splendor. everything aside from the the profile picture + banner are my original photos + words ⚔️🐉🌹⚡️