“In lieu of flowers...”

In lieu of flowers, send me the cure.
With lungs emptied of all but death, she hoped she would be remembered; But deep down, knew she would be lost among a sea of numbers.
One of the faceless. The nameless. The statistics that would be documented for futures to Google search.
Her name would be erased. Her life before, meaningless.
But, if in her death, a vaccine should be found,...not necessarily of the virus that too quickly spread...
But the virus of humanity that slowly metastasized into the hearts and minds of the greedy, the foolish, the contempt, the complacent, the murderers of the Earth.
If, in her contagion, arose a new Age of Enlightenment;
Her death could mean more than her life.    -(c).

(19x23 watercolor and pen on 140lb watercolor paper) 
chip (c). Hudson, is an artist currently living in Birmingham, Alabama. Straddling a line between fine art and self-taught lowbrow art, he creates layered water based mixed media pieces (mostly pen, ink and watercolor) on heavy watercolor paper. His works juxtapose darker themes of lost loves, trauma, and faith with bright and vivid color. Each individual piece presents a meticulous and intentional story. (c). explores subjects ranging from toxic relationships to childlike naïveté, and creates art to invoke dialogue. His collectors (and even casual viewers) are drawn to the emotional affect of the art, and are encouraged by the artist to share their unique stories that an individual piece elicits within them. What is Your story?
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