Help, All My Friends Are Guerrillas!

I am constantly inspired by my uninhibited peers; the free spirited-youth constantly fighting to express themselves. I photograph my friends, mostly artists, crawling the undergrounds of various towns and cities.  Up until last year I attended a liberal arts college in rural Vermont, just outside of New York City.  A small population of 600 kids, stuck in the middle of nowhere; an incredibly intimate environment where everyone personally knew each other, and drove each other mental all the time. It was a secret life of artists; a bubble of liberal irreverence. The nature of this small intimate environment liberated people to experiment with societal norms. This bubble was bloated with self-expression; pushing the boundaries of the socially expected, playing with gender, sexuality, and identity. Thus, here lies the crux of what I choose to document, and what I’m constantly inspired by: my guerrilla fighting friends, who are not afraid to shoot the bird to oppressive normative culture.

My name is Cam Schilla, and more work can be found on my website: