Monkey Bars

Do you see them
from the corner of your eye?
Those kids running around
hands raised to the sky

I remember when our biggest fear was the monkey bars
We would climb to the top
and push each other off

I guess they took our childhood in the divorce
Now that the grandfather clock has turned its course
And snatched us away to something else
I wonder if you all remember how it felt

Well I guess I’m the odd girl out now
Everyone else grew up
But I didn’t really know how

All those days by the pool
We didn’t know back then that the world was cruel
Fruit salad and mint tea always remind me of you
But the clock ticks on
And there’s not anything I can do

I guess I’m in mourning
for those early mornings
When we were giggling
and barely awake
Sometimes it’s too much to take

I guess they took our childhood in the divorce
Now that the grandfather clock has turned its course
And snatched us away to something else
I wonder if you all remember how it felt

Guess I’m the odd girl out now
Everyone else grew up
But I didn’t really know how

Well now everything’s shifting into place
I guess we won’t see each other anymore
After all those nights
spent sleeping on my living room floor

And to think ten years from now
One of you might pick up the phone and think to ask how
ask how we got to be this way
Or maybe ask why things couldn’t stay
the way they were 
When we’d build forts in the backyard
and spy on the neighbor

Do you see them
from the corner of your eye?
Those kids running around
hands raised to the sky

I remember when our biggest fear was the monkey bars
We would climb to the top
and push each other off

I guess they took our childhood in the divorce
Now that the grandfather clock has turned its course
And snatched us away to something else
I wonder if you all remember how it felt

Well I guess I’m the odd girl out now
Everyone else grew up
But I didn’t really know how

All those days by the pool
We didn’t know back then that the world was cruel
Fruit salad and mint tea always remind me of you
But the clock ticks on
And there’s not anything I can do

Now that I’m the odd girl out
I never really know what to say what to do
I’m the odd girl out

Now I know that people change
that nothing can stay the same
And the fall from the monkey bars will never again seem a great pain

Now that I am the odd girl out
Now that I am mourning for all those early mornings
We were laughing,
Barely awake
Now that it’s all too much to take

I think the monkey bars are mourning too
I think they miss the old me and the young all of you
I think they’re telling our silly stories
To all the little kids, who’ve yet to go boring
The pirates, the vampires, the ghosts and the spies
What we once called games, we now call lies

I think our childhood is over now
Cause you’ve all grown up
And I think I’ve learned how
So why am I still the odd girl out?
I don’t wanna be the odd girl out

Cause I was ignored long before the divorce
But I wasn’t the odd girl out on the monkey bars
I guess that’s why it feels so hard to let go
But now the grandfather clock has turned its course
And never again will I know

The sound of laughter and the smell of chlorine
Crying cause of a skinned knee
And a hand reaching down to pull me back up
Up to the top of the monkey bars
Before we knew life would be so hard

I was happy with you on the monkey bars