'What Baby' by Sensible Music

'What Baby' by Sensible Music

Sensible Music are three Sensible gents in their roaring twenties.
Born in Birmingham.
Ageing rapidly in North London.

They have been making music together for 10 years but only fledged in March 2020,
days before lockdown 1, diabolical timing. 

What Baby is a lo-fi dance around the subject of having someone you love struggle with depression. 
It's about knowing they've got something in their head that's changing them and desperately
wanting to help them without knowing how. 
It's about the simple, unexplainable things in a relationship that make it beautiful,
and trying to draw on those moments to help the one you love out of a hard time.

It's a simple song. 
Begun and completed within 24 hours to capture how I felt that day, and I still remember that day.