Just friends

Only two more hours 
Til I see you again
And what then?
How am I to begin?
After our tragic goodbye?
Hello after watching that flame 
burn out and die?
I’ll say “how’ve you been
While I’ve been away?”
After I decided it was better
Not to stay. 

“How” is what I’ll say
But what I’d like to ask is
After all this time
Despite how everything ended-
When I pretended 
That we would last
And then ran away-
Far and fast,
Dropped your heart of glass
Watched it shatter—
I heard your laughter 
And saw that the shards 
were my own,
Pieces of a once-sacred home,
A safe haven burned down,
Ashes littering that holy ground. 

And now you’re here
Coming back to me 
After all this time. 
After I’ve moved on from
That era of frantic rhymes. 
I knew you’d come back-
I dreamed of it, of you,
Wondered what I’d do 
If you showed up on my 
Doorstep, on my campus. 
I thought I’d welcome you home. 
But no. 
The answer is no. 

I know what I’ll say:
You have no power here,
No right to my heart. 
You don’t get to walk back into 
My life after tearing me apart

But then you’re sitting 
before me again
Asking if we can 
try to be friends. 
How can I say no? 
I cut the tether, 
But he’s not asking to get
Back together. 
He just needs to know 
If this is the final chapter, 
If there’ll be only tears
Or another year of 
carefree laughter. 

He knows he has my heart 
And his belongs to me—
He is the Romeo in this
And he knows it. 
He knows that there are
Mountains between our hearts
Despite how our fingers entwine. 
Despite the hundreds of rhymes
I dedicated to those first days
When our love was merely dawning. 
He knows now that there is 
too great a divide 
between his life and mine, 
Though this love 
Blossomed back in may. 

But that flower quickly died, 
Now all he wants is a final
Nearly 5 months 
After we cut the tie. 
“One last kiss” he begs—
But I pull away, 
Saying no, not today. 
Not here in the falling rain
Washing away the regret and pain, 
Healing this broken chain. 
So I just hold him tight, 
Ask myself “Why does this 
feel so right?”
And then pull myself away, 
And whisper “goodnight”. 

Long after I’ve fallen asleep
My phone lights up 
With his message—
“Just friends”
He says. 
As though we’d just 
Taken a stroll down
Memory lane,
As if this pain, 
All my dreams of his name, 
Hadn’t resurfaced 
From their exile in my mind,
Where I hid them away 
To set myself free. 
And when i wake
I tell him I agree. 
Hi I’m just a college student who is using her experiences and the pain she’s felt to create something beautiful. Please don’t judge these poems too harshly—they’re written with vulnerability and with my broken heart exposed for all to see.
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