your eyes.

they say your eyes reflect expansive seas and carry deep secrets. they say your gaze weighs targets down like an anchor and you’re stare can bore holes through skin. a force. you’re a force, they say. so intense. so captivating. but i know you in another way. i see your delicacy. the feelings you struggle to hold inside.

your eyes are filled with skies i cannot reach.

i think the clouds are blocking the light. and you know how much i love the untouchable. i just want to dive deeper into your world. to swim in your sea. you’re a notebook filled with letters bathing in piles of dust and words no one can read. you speak a language not everyone can decipher and contain stories so deep. there are secrets inside of you not even the greatest of listeners are able to hear. your eyes are windows to a universe no scientist will ever be able to fully explore. to a reality no psychologist will ever be able to understand. i tell you every time. your eyes. there’s always been something. about your eyes.

Posted by Marisa J
thank you for reading! thank you for being here! follow @writingbymarisa on instagram for more of my original poetry and photography.
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