Night in the Midst of the Running Girl

Rough night,
Once again,
Heavy mind,
Heavy drinking,
Is when I feel most in control,
Yet the most impotent,
It takes control of me,
Grasps me,
This demon possesses me with this insobriety,
Running away from my liver’s mind,
Running away from my own.
Yet the ghosts are chasing me
And I am running.
I try to run away from my inside.
Then I awake.
Remembering the flashing blue lights flickering off the puddled pavements,
And everyone is staring at my unconscious soul.
Have I finally gone?
Am I still running?
They drive me away,
Yet I am still a drunken mess,
Still running, still blinking, still beating, still living,
still drunk.

Posted by Mia Banks