Austerity by the Sea

If I can be allowed to be ever so slightly cliche, the past 3 years of brexit turmoil in the U.K. has taught me that there is indeed, nothing great about Britain. At least not anymore.

As a native of a deprived seaside town in the southwest of the U.K., I have seen firsthand the effects of, coming up upon, 10 years of Conservative party rule. Amongst the busy streets of Exeter, Devons main city, and intwined behind expensive department stores are the beds of those who have suffered the worst. The homeless population of the uk has increased by 165% since David Cameron's coalition government of 2010 and this is more visible than ever. 

Even those who are marginally well off are beginning to feel the political strain, taking to the streets in a vain attempt to pull back some form of middle ground in a consistently polarised political battleground. But to no avail. 

Even our railway system, the creation which we, the British, gave to the world and led the world in, has begun to fail us. Starved of funding by private ownership the trains get later year upon year, although this could be down to an increase in suicide rates upon our tracks, yet another side effect of the turmoil we find ourselves in. 

But alas. At least they still run. And at least some of us still have roofs over our heads. But the question is, for how long? 

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