(8/2/21) MMM... Monday #2: Short & Sweet


I started one morning this past week with Kanye Fever.
I swear my body can practically feel when a Kanye album is around the corner. I start twitching & needing to wear all red.
I started by listening to God Is King, which is actually not so bad. Though, I feel like it’s not really treated as part of his catalogue; there are moments on it that give us the Kanye we all love. Then I moved on to Ye, which is one of my favorites. IMO, this is the  main one that gets slept on. I love it for being short, concise & to the point. Everything I need from a Kanye album in 7 songs. Then I moved on to Yeezus & brought it back to The Life of Pablo. It's out of order, I know. But there’s something about the short Kanye albums that do it for me. I gotta play those B2B. When they're over, I can't wait to start 'em all over again.

That  leads to :Something I'm Wrestling With This Week
July’s over! And we have one more official month of Summer left. In my younger days, it’d be time to put on my jetpack boots & make sure I make the most out of it. As an adult, that same urgency does’t come to me. I don’t need to take advantage of the few moments of summer that I seemingly have left because what I'm working towards is: a freedom & thrilling excitement that's a part of my every day. One of those things is all this media that I get to consume. As I get older, I'm less guilty about it.

Here's some of the reasons why.

I’ll admit I wasn’t excited about The White Lotus. I just see a show about privilege & I think to myself. Why do I want this? BUT HBO usually knows exactly what he’s doing.

Mike White
(who, no matter, what work he has done will always be remembered to me, as the true Ned Schneebly from School of Rock)  has built this awesomely disgusting world of rich people in a luxurious resort where everyone is absolutely miserable. And It is so entertaining, I find myself squealing & screeching at it. This week’s episode had an ass eating scene in it, which shocked me to such a belief - that I almost went to rewind it, until it dawned on me "I don’t want to see this again."

The really sad part is: I got the same feeling after stumbling across Meet Spidey and His Amazing Friends which is a 2 min short series, clearly made for toddlers, starring Spiderman, Spider Gwen & Miles Morales. Now, why did a nearly 30 year old man immediately turn on an episode after scrolling by? Because, when it comes to my relationship with Spiderman & all things Spiderman. I might as well be a 4-year old. That isn't the issue though. My issue is that they called Miles “Spinn” on the first episode. You give Peter the nickname of Spider & Miles the nickname of Spinn. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TEACHING KIDS?! And WHY am i so aggravated?

Speaking of Cartoons, my weekend was full of them.
And I’m not even gonna get into how much I love Rick & Morty.
Watched A Long Halloween, both parts - which was an incredible retelling of the comic book story. The one thing that DC has done right in the last 30 years is their animated series & movies. Constantly pushing the concept: if adults like comics, they'll like the content of the comics in animated form. It's pretty simple. Marvel hasn’t accomplished that. 
Sidenote: I've still only watched the first episode of MODOK.

And then we have Bad Batch - which is sadly coming to an end in two weeks. What Disney hasn’t done with Marvel, in terms of adult cartoons, they’ve mastered with the Star Wars universe. This show is genuinely one of the highlights of my week. 23 minutes of feel good, complex storytelling. And at the same time, it's repairing the horribly broken stories that were stitched together in the final Skywalker trilogy. There are only 2 episodes left & I’m gutted about it. Genuinely, extremely sad.

So, as I wait for the DONDA & the new Suicide Squad to release this week. I find myself trying to make the rest of my summers days resemble these cartoons and these Kanye albums I love. When fall comes back, we can have a long Red- Dark Twisted Season, a Cruel Winter. But for now, let’s find short  & sweet moments that keep making me want to get up & do it all over again.

Video form:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0KiI2cHLQA&t 

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