<Me-Time(4.0):mindfulness -introspection - void, 2018>


Multi-Channel Video Installation | 50”+ TV screens
Conceptual Performance | Experiential Experimental Research

Videographer: Y Mutter

<Me-Time(4.0): mindfulness-introspection-void 2018> are part of the self-experiment series that focus on sensory isolation in order to explore atypical, eccentric, but rather introspective methods that enable me to establish a diverse spectrum within my own comfort zone to get away from a state of the overwhelming external world.

‘As people become more and more concerned with the psychological ramification of (an) overwhelming digital world, we may finally be ready to explore /the real benefits of taking-a-vacation from the senses.’ — Meehan Crist, Postcards from the edge of consciousness I am a solitary being who is easily be pushed into sensory overload. 

To encounter my vulnerability and sensory overload, this artistic research project aimed to align the mind and body back into the balance by reducing sensory stimuli while experiencing and expanding awareness of my self. 

The multi-channel video installations are a series of self-experiments and conceptually-led performances using introspective, meditative yet eccentric methods of REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy). Being isolated off-grid locations where I experience contemplation and self-reflection, remaining award of the external world is embodied as a form of mindfulness. 
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