First Step

I get out of bed
Shake off the drowse 
As the sunshine lights up the entire house

I grab a pen
And my notepad
And I write about things that make me glad

In my mind
Always swarming
The dream of me onstage performing 

Singing the words
That I write
And illuminated by the spotlight 

One can dream
A dream so cool
If only there wasn’t so much work from school 

But one day 
My audience will get bigger
For one day I will be the best singer

As I fall to bed
At that night
I dream my name lit up in light

In my heart
The rhythm floods
The music performer is in my blood 

The road is long
I have a lot to learn 
Being held back is my biggest concern

Hopefully one day 
It won’t just be a thought
It will be me in front of millions 
Showing what I got