dundee, 27/9.

the expanse of the river tay calms me, serene. 

a man’s melodious whistle is a wistful dream. 

a wisp of a cloud curves a smile and a frown - i observe its natural course of ebb and flow; i see the same mirrored in the water below. 

a shimmering sea and sky meet in harmonious blue, and i watch the two lovers embrace.

i stare out to water and ask for grace. i always come to nature when my heart is in pain. and again, and again, she delivers my solace. 

a gentle breeze caresses my face and i hear mother nature whisper in my ear: “my dear, you’re going to be alright. 

the best is yet to come, young one - stay strong, and allow the river tay to wash your pain away. 

you’ll be right as rain, my dear, so listen here: magic is revealed to those who believe, and hope is the remaining vestige when all else is lost - 

the stars are shining even when you can’t see them, my love. 

so release, let go, of all the pain you’ve held onto - make way, create space, for you to grow into. 

a miracle is coming, my love, in fact it’s already here. just listen here, and look at the world with curious eyes... 

you’ll see where the magic glimmers, and where your light shines.”