The Sublime

The Subljme is a theoretical concept and is widely regarded as a 
way of describing something of immense, incomprehensible, or unachievable beauty.  There have been many ways of defining it throughout history and many people have attempted to further explain or theorize the concept, for example, John Ruskin, Edward Burke and John Martin. 
Many people have attempted to capture the sublime in paintings or photographs but by it's very nature, it is impossible to capture it.  What I have tried to do using photography, is represent what the Sublime is and what it means by using the horizon line and focusing on individual descriptions of the concept - mystery, impossible, unachievable, dichotomy, infinite.
This is a photograph divided into two extremes: the mystery and beauty of the sea and the infinite, impossibility of the sky, both held together by the unachievable horizon line.
Posted by Cam
Photography Northumberland/ Sheffield
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