
I heard you the first night I migrated near the fields 

You shook me 

Scolded the enemy 

Stroked your wings 
Magnified with a loud clap 

I felt your presence


It was the scent before it rains that gave it away 

I heard stories about you, but never was a witness 

That night, I watched you closely 

As you flew over me for hours 

You screamed 

Broke the sky 

Made the fall 

The drought was ending due to your protection

Stories about a hill near my home was touched by you 

Flames grew but was quickly washed away 

After a few a moons passed 
The hill then flowered 

It was the most loved 

A blessed gift you made 

A constant reminder of my first night 

Will always be one about the thunderbird 

Greeting me in the sky

Model: Ileana D. Salcedo 
Photographer: Anaya Y.  Salcedo 
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